How to Travel With Medication Worry Free

How to Travel With Medication Worry Free

With vacations and business trips now back on the agenda following the pandemic, planning your next trip may seem quite a daunting prospect. It is especially true if you need to take prescription medicines with you. But when you take the right precautions, such as taking a travel pill case, staying in control of the situation should be straightforward.

Nothing in this world is more important than your health, which is why knowing how to travel with medication will be crucial. The following advice will help you plan your next adventure in style.

Invest in a travel pill organizer

Whether staying in a single hotel or traveling to multiple destinations during your adventure, investing in a durable travel pill case is highly advised. When at home, you are able to implement a daily routine where you take your medications at the same time each day. While that might not be possible, a 7 day pill organizer allows you to set out a full week’s worth of pills. Crucially, this stops the threat of skipping a day’s medication or accidentally taking a double dose.

A discreet pill case is also very useful when sharing accommodation with friends, especially if you don’t want them to know about the tablets you take for anxiety or other health conditions. It can be kept on your bedside table, in your hotel safe, or in an internal pocket of your baggage for privacy.

Check that you have the right medications

Before you travel, it is vital that you equip yourself with enough medication to last the duration of your trip. After all, you could be required to work abroad for several weeks or know that you are approaching the end of your current prescription. Advising your doctor of your travel plans should enable you to gain a new prescription to cover the entirety of your trip. When traveling domestically, it may be possible to arrange to pick up your prescription from a local pharmacy.

In addition to having the right quantities, it may be necessary to change the type of medication. For example, if you usually take your medicines in liquid form, switching to tablets that fit your purse pill case may be more suitable. Again, speaking to your doctor will help you find a convenient choice.

Check the laws in your destination country

Just because you are allowed to take medicines in America, it doesn’t mean you are necessarily permitted to do it around the world. Depending on the country you plan to visit, your medication could be considered an unlicensed product. In truth, you are more likely to encounter this issue when buying over the counter medications rather than prescribed products. Still, it is vital that you conduct your research. Calling the US Embassy in the destination country is advised.

Failure to check the legalities of taking your medication to a new country could lead to various punishments. Confiscations will leave you without the medicines needed to manage your conditions. Meanwhile, there are some circumstances where you could face imprisonment for drug trafficking.

Pack your medications for the trip

The logistics of taking your medications to another country shouldn’t be difficult. After all, two-in-three American adults use prescription medications. However, there are some key factors to consider. Firstly, even if the medicines are permitted in a location, iit's good to have official labels with you while you travel. Otherwise, you cannot prove that the items are what you say they are. It could subsequently lead to having your medications seized by border control.

When taking a flight, even domestically, it is important to pack your medications and travel pill case in your hand luggage. If not, you could be left without your medicines due to lost baggage or if the staff decides to search your bags. Going through airport scanners is another reason to keep the original packaging.

Secure a medical certificate

The International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) is a great resource for confirming whether a particular product is permitted in the country you’re visiting. Nonetheless, you should also investigate whether a medical certificate is needed. Many countries will allow individuals to carry a 30-day prescription as long as they are accompanied by this documentation. Frankly, having your tablets nicely organized in a travel pull case is futile if the officials confiscate them from you.

It is the perfect opportunity to discuss alternative medications should a substance be banned in your destination country. Likewise, you can ask your doctor about the best times to take your medications in a new time zone - your smartphone alarm can give you a timely reminder during your travels.

Consider buying abroad

If your medication can be obtained at home and taken with you, that should be the preferred route. Still, there may be situations where it is appropriate to buy abroad, especially if you are away for a long time on a work commitment. The US Embassy in your chosen destination should be able to connect you with a registered doctor and/or pharmacist. Frankly, buying off of the open market is never a wise idea - legally or for the sake of your health.

When buying medicines overseas, however, you should acknowledge that the quality may not always match what you’d find back home. It is another reason why buying before you travel is advised. If you do find yourself short (perhaps your luggage and pill case was stolen), you must ask the pharmacy about the active ingredients.

Final Advice

Traveling with medication is an issue that deserves your full attention before you travel as it can save you from a holiday nightmare. Getting it right is vital for the sake of your health, finances, convenience, and peace of mind. Of course, if you plan to travel with children who need medications, you must act on their behalf.

For any further advice on traveling with medication or finding the right pill organizer for domestic and international travel, get in touch today.

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