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REAL 5-STAR REVIEWS.<\/b><\/h1>", "ttl-text-size": 35, "richtxt": "
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Ikigai Cases are built without the flip-up lids or buttons that make plastic pill cases vulnerable to opening unexpectedly. \n<\/p>
\nInstead, we've designed a lid that glides into place across the top of the pill case.\n<\/p>
\nThe mechanism is designed to 'click' into place at each open compartment and fully closed - a feature that our customers love.<\/p>", "btntxt": "SHOP NOW", "btnurl": "shopify:\/\/collections\/the-mission-collection", "width": "50%", "alignment": "bottom-middle", "align_text": "left" } }, "1660600869b6a8ee94-1": { "type": "image", "settings": { "image": "shopify:\/\/shop_images\/IKG0218_Mission_facebook.jpg", "imgurl": "shopify:\/\/collections\/the-mission-collection", "width": "50%", "alignment": "center" } } }, "block_order": [ "1660600869b6a8ee94-0", "1660600869b6a8ee94-1" ], "settings": { "title": "MORE THAN A FASHION STATEMENT", "subtitle": "", "top-offeset": "none", "section_width": true, "hide_mobile": false, "pad-desk": 100, "pad-ipad": 15, "pad-mbl": 10, "section_cov": true, "sec_bg_clr": "#f5f5f5", "grid-spacing": 50, "grid-spacing-mbl": 0, "grid-spacing-col": 2, "prbox_style": "style1", "show_color_swatch": true, "btn-size-desk": "btn-lg", "btn-size-mob": "mob-btn-lg" } }, "1660399571d2db3cd7": { "type": "logo-bar", "disabled": true, "blocks": { "1660399571db601e4e-3": { "type": "logo_image", "settings": { "image": "shopify:\/\/shop_images\/The_Brooks_Review_logo_200.png", "link": "" } }, "1660399571db601e4e-2": { "type": "logo_image", "disabled": true, "settings": { "image": "shopify:\/\/shop_images\/lifetime.warranty-white.jpg", "link": "" } }, "1660399571db601e4e-0": { "type": "logo_image", "settings": { "image": "shopify:\/\/shop_images\/something_navy_logo.png", "link": "" } }, "1660399571db601e4e-4": { "type": "logo_image", "disabled": true, "settings": { "link": "" } }, "1660399571db601e4e-5": { "type": "logo_image", "disabled": true, "settings": { "link": "" } } }, "block_order": [ "1660399571db601e4e-3", "1660399571db601e4e-2", "1660399571db601e4e-0", "1660399571db601e4e-4", "1660399571db601e4e-5" ], "settings": { "top-offeset": "small", "title": "
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Ikigai Cases are built without the flip-up lids or buttons that make plastic pill cases vulnerable to opening unexpectedly. <\/p>
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Material ................................................................ 6061-T6 aluminum<\/p>
Finish ............................................................................... type-II anodize<\/p>
Dimensions ............................................ 7.25\" L x 1.75\" W x 0.75\" H<\/p>
Weight ................................................................................................... 9.1 oz<\/p>
Storage .............................................................. 1-14 pills per pocket<\/p>", "button_label": "", "button_link": "", "btn-size-desk": "btn-sm", "btn-size-mob": "mob-btn-sm", "text_align": "text-left", "text_clr": "#000000", "text_bg_clr": "#f5f5f5", "button_bg_clr": "#000000", "button_bdr_clr": "#000000", "button_text_clr": "#ffffff" } } }, "block_order": [ "1660567810dd80c382-0" ], "settings": { "top-offeset": "none", "section_width": true, "section_cov": false, "sec_bg_clr": "#fafafa", "stl2": false, "snow_effect": false, "snow_style": "style1" } }, "1660567375ca83f151": { "type": "custom-content-masonry", "blocks": { "166056737514f9ded4-0": { "type": "text", "settings": { "title": "", "font-size": "h3", "text": "", "btntxt": "SHOP NOW", "btnurl": "shopify:\/\/collections\/the-mission-collection", "width": "100%", "alignment": "center", "align_text": "center" } } }, "block_order": [ "166056737514f9ded4-0" ], "settings": { "title": "", "subtitle": "", "top-offeset": "none", "section_width": true, "hide_mobile": false, "pad-desk": 55, "pad-ipad": 15, "pad-mbl": 10, "section_cov": true, "sec_bg_clr": "#f5f5f5", "grid-spacing": 0, "grid-spacing-mbl": 0, "grid-spacing-col": 2, "prbox_style": "style1", "show_color_swatch": true, "btn-size-desk": "btn-lg", "btn-size-mob": "mob-btn-lg" } }, "16603977864a8c0203": { "type": "apps", "blocks": { "f1e50a22-ad06-4058-8d22-e6c55925969f": { "type": "shopify:\/\/apps\/loox-product-reviews-photos\/blocks\/loox-agg-section\/5c3b337f-fd14-4df5-b1d6-80ec13e6e28e", "settings": { "only_photos": false, "hide_thumbnails": false, "product_handle": "", "aggregated": true, "data-limit": 20, "maxwidth": 1080 } } }, "block_order": [ "f1e50a22-ad06-4058-8d22-e6c55925969f" ], "settings": { } } }, "order": [ "page", "166039698762e25b88", "16603989547e7eec4d", "166039422842beb85c", "1660567178996a0a79", "166060542639826566", "166060086946e0a0a5", "1660399571d2db3cd7", "1660566052a78609c6", "166051630833cb5b66", "1660567332f35255f3", "166039569498ba7571", "16603953341a2429ae", "1660567810fce1ffd1", "1660567375ca83f151", "16603977864a8c0203" ] }